Event Tips for Trade Shows

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Popular Event Tech Tips for Trade Shows

9 July 2019 | By Admin

Technology is growing with event industry trends, so event professionals and exhibitors should need to evolve along with it. Here at this blog, we put 3 trending event technologies that ought to be enabled in your next trade show.

1. 3D Printing:

This is really changing the world, as we consider it all, from simple toys to unnatural organs. They draw in the crowds and build pieces that keep the buzz and enthusiasm flowing after the event has ended.

3D Printing

2. Drones:

There are usually lots of ways to use drones at trade shows, from photography to small deliveries, and even participation among attendees. It can also be used to gather data, like observing where most of attendee traffic and attention are meant to, and how effective the trade show floor plan is at the venue.


3. Less Paper, More Participation:

Using less paper is a huge advantage. Instead of printed guidebook that emphasizes activities during and after the trade show, trending technologies in the event are better to consolidate all this information as it takes attention and keeps all data well-secured. In total, relying on technology is not only low-cost but also full of advantages that you can never have experienced them beneficially before.

Less Paper, More Participation


Although event technology is great, the event is nothing without it. Thus do your homework and know about what would entertain there and provide a solution to visitors' needs.

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